This is an Online meeting via Zoom. Please register your interest by email to Debbie
The Zoom link will only be sent to people who register interest by Monday 10th February. We do not post the link in the public domain, and we ask you not to forward it to others. This enables us to create a safe space by knowing who is attending
At St Luke’s Church, 46 Cell Barnes Lane, St Albans AL1 QTA
We can now confirm the in-person UKHKAN reunion With our grateful thanks to Yvonne for securing the venue. We are waiting to be advised about the venue hire charge, hence TBC; however, we wanted to notify you of the date so that you can put it in your diaries. Without knowing the room hire charge, we can only say the attendance fee will be at least £5. We are likely to have food brought in from a local caterer for the evening meal – again, we will advise on cost when we have the information. We will send final details as soon as we have them. Please note Yvonne’s other half – the Legendary Mr P – is providing the live entertainment with his band. This will be a grand reunion, the first since our gathering at the Foundling Museum in October 2021.
For those who need accommodation & travel information
St Albans has a *Premier Inn (a short taxi ride from venue, and better located if travelling by train – it’s also walkable, approx half an hour – if you are able bodied. There are local Airbnb options too
By train: St Albans City Station (Thameslink trains from St Pancras, London) it’s approx 30mins train journey & roughly a 15 minutes walk from station to St Luke’s Church, St Albans (our venue) or approx £8 taxi ride
[We have two railway stations in St Albans do make sure you book ticket to St Albans CITY station]
*there is also a Premier Inn at Hatfield which has better parking facilities for those driving
The venue some free parking itself, plus the use of adjoining car park, at the primary school next door (also free)
Bring your own lunch – we will do a straw poll regarding evening meal: a takeaway delivery or get catered ……. depends when people want to eat …. and how much they want to spend!
Look forward to seeing everyone – it’s been a time since we’ve held a in-person gathering.
This tribute is from Debbie, Sue and Kate on behalf of the UK Hong Kong Adoptee Network
Time constraints meant we were unable to read our tribute, so we are sharing here.
This tribute is from Debbie, Sue and Kate on behalf of the UK Hong Kong Adoptee Network.
Firstly, we would like to offer our deep condolences to Peter, Tessa’s children and their wider family.
We three met Tessa at different times: Sue in 2000, at the event organised by Jasmine Gillies which took place at St Thomas’ Hospital, London; Debbie initially made contact by email after a referral from the Fanling Babies website, then met in-person in Manchester in 2010 which is when Kate also met Tessa for the first time.
We were not family or friends in the usual sense – we had a bond based on a shared start in life, deep understanding and empathy. As babies, we were all chosen to be part of other people’s families; as adults, we chose to be part of another, unique family – the Hong Kong Adoptee Network, started by Debbie in 2010. Early on, we started to refer to each other as sisters (and brothers, since there were a couple of men).
Over the past 14 years, we have organised reunions which have taken place in Birmingham and London. During Covid, we went online so that we could help everyone stay connected. In 2021, we applied for a grant to cover the costs of a venue to enable us to hold our first in-person reunion post-Covid. We needed evidence to support our application – we would like to quote parts of the response from another adoptee sister Laura –
‘Many years ago, when I was feeling (I thought) secure, strong and had a good sense of my identity as an international adoptee, I found that I was one of over 100 adoptees, brought from Hong Kong to the UK. This was a big surprise, and it took some years to get used to the idea there were more like me, and even more used to the idea that they might see me as a sister.
Over the decade that I have been part of the network … I have realised how being part of the group, sharing our similarities and differences, gave me a stronger sense of security and identity. My sisters have accompanied me on the highs and lows of my life journey… Without the meetings, to share and process what only other women who have experienced adoption, of a similar nature, there is no doubt my life would less rich. Less meaningful, less whole. I may not have the sister I should have from my adoptive family, as we are as unconnected as I am connected to my adoptive sisters, but this is made more bearable through being part of the network.
Without being able to meet on Zoom, throughout Covid, and during what has been a particularly challenging time of my life, I would have struggled harder to make sense of recent changes.
It is hard to capture in words exactly how being part of the group and being able to meet and continue to meet virtually has helped my emotional wellbeing, but it has, and for this I am grateful’
We would like to think the fact that Tessa responded to Jasmine’s call in 2000, made the journey to Manchester in 2010, and attended nearly all the reunions in London, meant that the deep connection sustained through the network held the same significance for Tessa as it evidently has for Laura.
In the last few years, our personal circumstances have limited our capacity to organise meetings – it sadly meant that some of us had not seen Tessa since 2021 when we held that post-Covid reunion at the Foundling Museum. It was a massive shock to hear of Tessa’s untimely passing; we are deeply saddened individually and collectively. We end our tribute with Sue’s words:
‘It was always lovely to see Tessa at meetings because she was such a warm and friendly person’
This is how we all remember Tessa.
Tribute from Keri Posgate
I first met Tessa when I was 16 years old. We were introduced to each other by our mothers, and it felt rather awkward at the time—as it often is between teenagers who don’t know each other.
We met again, quite by chance, at a mother and toddlers’ play centre years later. That encounter sparked a deep and lasting friendship that spanned the next 32 years. During that time, we shared countless experiences together. We both had boys born just two weeks apart at Hillingdon Hospital, and later, we each went on to have daughters. Our children spent many happy days playing in each other’s gardens and homes, building their own special memories while we strengthened our bond as friends.
Tessa and I also shared a deeply personal and unusual connection—we were both abandoned in Hong Kong. Despite those difficult beginnings, we were blessed with happy adoption stories. Having Tessa to talk to about these shared experiences was a source of immense comfort and understanding.
Tessa wasn’t just an amazing friend—she was the Chinese sister I never had growing up. She holds a very special place in my heart, and she always will.
Tribute from Jasmine Gillies
Tribute to Tessa Turner (9/12/1961 – 17/12/2024)
Funeral: 16/1/25 at 11:30am St Andrews Church, Mytchett, Surrey GU16 6HY
Hong Kong adoptees
Tessa had a remarkable start in life. She was born in Hong Kong in 1961 and was part of an extraordinary group of HK babies, mostly females, who were left in public places to be found and were then subsequently taken to orphanages to be cared for.
Jasmine Gillies, also one of these babies, organised the first ever gathering after a conversation with her mother, a journalist, who made her aware there were around100 babies brought to the UK in the late 1950s and early 1960s as part of this special group via the International Social Services and adopted into British families.
Tessa responded immediately to subsequent articles produced by Jasmine’s mother in the Spring of 2000 asking for these girls to come forward. Little did they think at this time that this would be the beginning of much bigger things to come.
On the 7thOctober that year, Jasmine organised an event at St Thomas’s Hospital in London under the spotlight of TV companies and newspapers from Hong Kong including being broadcast on BBC World News live.
This first collective gathering brought together Tessa and Jasmine along with approximately 20 other women in this group adopted from Hong Kong, where lifelong friendships began and flourished.
In 2003 when Julia Feast from the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) learned about them, she took a keen interest in this unique group of women and saw the potential for an academic research study about their experience of international adoption and outcomes. Once funding was obtained the project began in earnest with the aim to locate and include the other women from this special group.
Tessa participated in this exciting and important study. She attended the event that took place in 2012 at the Nuffield Foundation where Julia Feast and the research team gave an update on the preliminary findings from the study. It was an emotional and life changing event for many of the 50 women who attended. Until that study many were unaware that they belonged to this unique group or who were in the same room as so many other Chinese women who shared the same beginnings.
Tessa was very much involved with the Hong Kong Adoptees Network (HKAN) that was founded by Debbie Cook in 2010 and formally launched in 2012 with the HKAN website. With the help of Kate Gordon and Sue Jardine, HKAN has become a valuable and important international network and platform for connecting with other HK adoptees.
Tessa being part of the HKAN network, attended many gatherings that united these HK adoptees. She was such a warm kind person, always smiling and incredibly approachable.
She had a firm presence, sharing her own journey with others as well as listening with great interest their personal stories. She made many new friends, being invited into their homes.
The network is well known and over the years has provided other opportunities to help build the histories of HK Adoptees, including Tessa’s.
For example, she was invited to the British Airways headquarters in 2016 with a small group of women to find the flight details of their personal journeys over, and they discovered this took days although now it is hours, also the air hostesses the only ones to care for these small groups of babies during their flight over.
Tessa was also involved when British Airways celebrated 80 years of aviation with UK and HK at China Exchange in London with an exhibition in 2017 which included our HK adoptees group being portrayed.
We all feel extremely privileged to have known Tessa. She was such an important part of the HK adoptees. A wonderful soul who will be greatly missed.
In memory of Tessa her family have asked for donations to be given towards the St Andrew’s Church Children’s Room project, Mytchett, where her funeral was held. For any one wishing to make a donation, please contact Debbie and she will pass on the bank details.
Time: UK 17:30; San Francisco 09.30, Washington DC 12.30, HK 01.30
This was a successful zoom call managed by Sue and Debbie. It was lovely to catch up with all and a welcome to some new members to our group. It is hoped we can try and schedule another Zoom meeting around Chinese New Year so watch this space.
During the 1960s, just over 100 children were sent to the UK via the International Social Services (ISS) UK Hong Kong Adoption Project and placed for adoption following publicity surrounding World Refugee Year. Placing these children for adoption was intended to provide them with a family life and to help reduce overcrowding in Hong Kong’s orphanages with the influx of refugees from China.
All but two of the children were girls and most were babies, although some were toddlers and a few of them were older when they were placed for adoption.
Between 2010-13 Julia Feast, along with her colleagues, Margaret Grant, Alan Rushton and John Simmonds, undertook a mid-life follow up research study of this group entitled the British Chinese Adoption Study (BCAS). The study sought to contact and follow up the 100 women. They located 99 of them through publicly available records, and 72 agreed to participate. The study explored the long-term outcomes for this group of ethnically Chinese girls, now women in middle age.
The HK adoptees community was developed in parallel with the BAAF’s British Chinese Adoption Study (BCAS). The study played a pivotal role in helping bring together UK HK-adoptees mainly from the 1960’s & 1970’s. Hong Kong Adoptees Network (HKAN) has developed into a well-establishedcommunity that runs an international network of people who have also been adopted from Hong Kong:
In October 2021 a meeting of the Hong Kong Adoptees Network (HKAN) was held at the Foundling Museum. The HKAN has a wide membership and at this particular meeting it included 16 women who had participated in the British Chinese Adoption Study (BCAS).
BCAS was published in February 2013, and among the many areas of investigation was research about how curious the women were when deciding to find information about their origins, and to subsequently search for birth family members.
The study identified that compared to other adoption studies where curiosity levels were reported, most of the women in BCAS expressed significantly lower levels of curiosity. It was notable that one of the reasons for not searching for information and birth family was because most of the women had been ‘left to be found’ and at the time of the study they recounted that it would be an impossibility to search, as they had absolutely no information nor access to records relating to their origins. Hence, they did not have the same opportunities as afforded to their UK adopted counterparts who had been adopted within country, where records were available. The challenges were compared to that of the saying that it is ‘similar to finding a needle in a haystack’.
As one adopted woman described:
‘Well, the thing is, when you are told from dot that you were left on the doorsteps of the orphanage, it is very clear that you can’t find somebody. So, you don’t harbour those hopes.’
At the HKAN meeting the attendees gave Julia Feast their permission to conduct a short survey of the BCAS participants present to help find out if the women’s curiosity had altered since the study was published. This survey was undertaken independently whilst Julia was studying for a PhD, entitled Curiosity and Opportunities: The impact of accessing adoption information on adopted adults and the decision to search for birth relatives.
At the time of the original BCAS study, the majority had little opportunity to embark on a search for information about their origins and birth relative. The aim of the short questionnaire was to find out if and how curiosity levels about accessing adoption records and searching for birth relatives had changed in the previous 10 years.
All 16 women who were present and part of the BCAS study completed the questionnaire. There were 5 other women present who had also been adopted from Hong Kong, but they had not been part of the BCAS study. However, they also completed a similar questionnaire. The following summarises the key findings from the survey of the 16 participants who had taken part in the BCAS study which was published in 2013. It must be noted that this ‘snap- shot’ involved 16 of the 72 original participants (22%) who took part in the study so the findings can only be seen as a potential indication.
Key Results
All but one woman reported that their curiosity levels had changed and heightened since the study.
Seven women had accessed adoption records prior to the study, and since then 6 more had done so. Three women had not accessed at the time of the study nor since.
With the advent of social media and easily available access to online resources such as Facebook, adopted people and birth relatives have greater potential for contacting one another. However, for 11 of the BCAS women the advances made in DNA and easier access to Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing (DTC-GT) had an impact and influenced their decision to take such a test in the hope that they might find birth relatives.
Although DTC-GT consumer testing is currently not widely used by the Chinese population, and therefore finding a match was still limited, nonetheless being tested gave them a new opportunity and some hope that they might now be able to find birth relatives and understand more about their genetic history. Eleven women had taken a DTC-GT, of whom two had found a half-sibling. The DNA companies that were used were mainly 23 you and me and Ancestry, with some being registered on both.
Taking part in the study had provided an opportunity for the women to come together and support and learn from one another about how they could resolve some of their information gaps. This demonstrates how technology, life stages, networks, and sharing with others can provide an impetus to make use of new opportunities.
Four women were also very keen to find out more about their origins whilst the same number were not, with the other 8 saying they were somewhat curious.
Some reasons for not wanting to find out more:
‘Even if I did know my birth parents’ background I still would not have tried to find them…….Perhaps if I hadn’t had a happy childhood, I would feel differently, but because I was such a good childhood, you know, what is the point?’
‘My adoptive mother always said there would be no chance of ever finding’
‘Concerned how it may be if my birth mother didn’t want to know about me and very content with adoptive family so not really interested’
‘Believed language would be a barrier. No concerns about upsetting adoptive family who would have supported me, but felt I had nothing missing in my life and no gaps to fill’
Ten women reported their views had changed whilst the remaining 6 said that they had not, mainly because they were just not interested (4), and for one other it was because it was not a viable option or was not specific. However, hearing about other women’s experiences and knowing that some had been successful in finding birth relatives or accessing information, and learning more about the circumstances of their adoption, appeared to enhance their curiosity needs.
‘Gathering original files and my ‘mug’ shot’
‘when I learnt that my birth mother hadn’t want to give me up I am now pursuing finding out more’
‘As so many others are searching and some successfully – this has piqued my curiosity’
There was exploration about how their situation had changed in relation to their curiosity levels and their decision to search for birth relatives. The developments in DNA testing and taking part in the study clearly had an impact on their levels of curiosity. This created new opportunities not just for the women themselves but also for their own children who may also express curiosity about their mother’s origins. This is demonstrated by the result of this enquiry as all (15) but one woman said that their curiosity had been heightened since the study.
The future
The HKAN was officially formed during the course of the study and open to and actively involved people who had been adopted in similar circumstances, so it had a broader reach. From the positive comments this group has provided a valued source of support to these women. It has enabled them to feel less isolated:
‘Our shared experiences have been interesting, and I’ve found an affinity with previously total strangers’
‘Being invited to join the study gave me a reason to explore my past. I looked at my own beliefs and values and found that family mattered a lot. Thinking about my birth family was a new experience. At a distance of 50 years. It sparked a month-long trip overland across China and seeing myself through a new lens’.
It will be interesting to observe how the levels of the women’s curiosity continue to develop, or not, particularly if locating birth relatives through DNA testing and matching becomes easier when more Chinese people from Hong Kong use these media.
Some members of the HKAN group have said that having the support of one another has enabled them to develop a ‘sisterhood’ and that they have gained support from each other as they share similar beginnings, which has also helped them embrace their Chinese identities.
Many of the women have enquired whether another investigation could be undertaken to revisit the enquiry areas of the original study, such as their connection to Chinese culture and identity, as they have said that they would now provide very different answers to those reported in the original study. This could provide an opportunity to assess the changes in their thoughts and feelings, and a measure of the impact of learning about one another, and an outcome of the study.
Dr Julia Feast OBE, February 2022
Appendix 1
The Survey Questions
The following are the questions asked in the survey and more detailed information about the responses received.
Question 1 Were you part of the BCAS =16
Question 2 Did you have thoughts about birth relatives at time of the study?
Often = 4 / Occasionally=5 / Rarely=5 / Never=2
Question 3 Have these changed?
Yes = 10/ No= 6
Question 4 How curious were you to find out about your origins at time of the study (10 years ago)?
Very = 4 / Somewhat = 8 / Not at all= 4
Question 5
If you answered Not at all, what were the reasons for this?
Not interested = 4 / Not a viable option =1 / Other= 1 … If Other, please give reason
My adoptive mother always said there would be no chance of ever finding
Concerned how it may be if my birth mother didn’t want to know about me and very content with adoptive family so not really interested.
Believed language would be a barrier. No concerns about upsetting adoptive family who would have supported me, but felt I had nothing missing in my life and no gaps to fill.
Question 6 Have your curiosity levels change since the study?
Yes= 15 / No=1
Question 7 If so how and why?
Have started to find out more and when I learnt that my birth mother hadn’t want to give me up I am now pursuing finding out more
As so many others are searching and some are successfully – this has piqued my curiosity
My son is curious- see it as part of his heritage
I have found a sister through 23 and me
I have since visited HK 3 times and 2 visits to China
Visiting HK, DNA testing – adoptees finding birth family
Gathering original files and my ‘mug’ shot
Listening and LT account pf searching and finding members of her birth family
I made limited enquiries but when my adoptive parents fell ill I decided not to pursue it any further. However I am interested in maintaining links with the group as I love hearing others’ stories
Still wonder about my background: frustrating it is to know I can’t take it any further
Mainly curiosity
When others particularly Americans started to find family
Son is expressing interest
Question 8 Had you accessed your adoption records at the time of the study? Yes=7/ No = 9
Question 9 Have you accessed your adoption records since the time of the study? Yes = 6/ No= 3
Some in Hong Kong
But had a fairly complete set of papers including birth certificate already
Yes more about Hong Kong Social Services and International SS
Only new information was that I was placed in St Christophers
Question 10 Have you taken any DNA tests?
Yes = 10 / No = 6
One person who answered no said that although they hadn’t take a DNA test they would like to now
Question 10 a Please give names of test kits:
23 and me = 6, 23 and me plus ancestry = 3
Question 11 What prompted you to take a DNA test?
I was given a test by my son for Xmas
Julia Bell talk at HKAN gathering
Long Lost Family programme
Curiosity and see if I could get a first cousin, only got a few 3rd cousin but not got back. A few 4th and 5th cousins have replied but unaware of their family history- many went to the USA
Interested after fellow adoptees from our group took then to identify their ethnicity – was pretty disappointed when mine came back 96% Chinese- felt really didn’t need a test to establish this
Ancestry DNA was a present and I wanted to know if there were any people with similar background.
Through contact of HK Adoptees
Long Lost Family
Question 12 Anything else you would like to add?
‘Being invited to join the study gave me a reason to explore my past. I looked at my own beliefs and values and found that family mattered a lot. Thinking about my birth family was a new experience. At a distance of 50 years. It sparked a month-long trip overland across China, and seeing myself through a new lens.’
I feel happy and balanced in both parts of the world.’
‘……(The) original study and research – it enabled us adoptees to form a group and meet and form some lovely friendships.’
‘Our shared experiences have been interesting and I’ve found an affinity with previously total strangers.’
‘Thank you so much for your original concept and curiosity, Julia into the outcome of us all.’
‘Another study of the BCAS Group Now would be really interesting as we have more connections and some of us have gone back to HK and attended many HKAN Reunion Meetings’.
Results from the 5 non BCAS participants
In answer to thinking about birth relatives 2 said never, 1 rarely, I occasionally and 1 often.
4 said that their curiosity level had changed over time but for one person it had not. The reasons given for the change in curiosity levels:
‘My life is in a better place. I’m a lot happier to consider this’.
‘more interested as my children and partner encouraged me, my adoptive’
parents passed away.
3 people had not accessed the adoption records but 2 had not,
shin nee-an kwai le (as in the French le) – Mandarin
Literally translated as New year happy or you can say shin nee-an howNew year good!
A few facts about the New Year
Lunar New Year
Spring Festival
Cinese New Year
These are often used interchangeably – Are they the same or different?
Lunar New Year is a more general term and encompasses all celebrations that mark a new year according to a lunar calendar.
Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian countries, including China, Vietnam, the Koreas, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia & the Philippines. Though some traditions are shared, others are unique to each country’s cultural identity.
In China, Lunar New Year is referred to as the ‘Spring Festival’, or ‘Chinese New Year’. In the UK we tend to use Chinese New Year and Lunar New Year.
Chinese New Year is well-known for starting a new sign in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese animal-zodiac.
The rabbit is the 4th sign of the Chinese zodiac, So why 4th ?
The most widespread Chinese zodiac legend is The Heavenly Gate Race Story.
The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) wanted 12 animals to be his guards. The selection and ranking would be given according to the order they went through the Heavenly Gate.
1st Early Risers – Quick witted Rat and Diligent Ox
On the day of the race the rat got up very early, but on his way to the gate encountered a river. He had to stop there, owing to the swift current, After waiting a long time Rat noticed Ox about to cross the river and swiftly jumped onto his back. Ox didn’t mind and simply continued. After crossing the river, he raced towards the palace of the Jade Emperor. Suddenly, Rat jumped off his back and dashed to the feet of the Emperor. Rat one first place and Ox was second.
Competitive and Fast: Tiger and Rabbit
Tiger and Rabbit came third and fourth because both are fast and competitive, but Tiger was faster. (Rabbit got across the river by hopping on stepping stones and a floating log)
Thereafter, the other animals arrived at the gate according to characteristics assigned to them in the legend.
[Good-looking Dragon and Crafty Snake
Good-looking Dragon was fifth and was immediately noticed by the Jade Emperor, who said Dragon’s son could be sixth. But Dragon’s son didn’t come with him that day. Just then, Snake came forward and said Dragon was his adoptive father; so Snake ranked sixth.
Kind and Modest Horse and Goat
Horse and Goat arrived. They were very kind and modest and each let the other go first. The Jade Emperor saw how polite they wereand ranked them seventh and eighth.
Jumping Monkey
Monkey had fallen well behind. But he jumped between trees and stones, and caught up to be ninth. Last were Rooster, Dog, and Pig. These 12 animals became guards of the Heavenly Gate].
The Year of the Rabbit includes 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927…
It starts from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ends on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).
The Year of the Rabbit / hare. The Chinese character is for “hare”
The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture.
2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.
Each zodiac sign is also associated with one of five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth.
This means each comes along once in a 60-year cycle.
2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit Only those born in 1963 and 2011 are Water Rabbits.
Last thing to mention is that this year Vietnam celebrates the Year of the Cat
There are several theories explaining this – the most common is that at some point in history the Chinese word for rabbit, “mao” was misinterpreted as “meo”, the Vietnamese word for cat.
Another explanation stems from the Chinese versions of the legend about the race that determined the order of the zodiac animals. In the Chinese version, both the rat and the cat were on the ox, and the cat was pushed into the water by the rat, leading to its loss. Meanwhile the rabbit had been hopping on stones, then landed on a floating log that quickly bought it to the shore to give it 4th place.
In 1958, The Great Leap Forward was a campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party to reconstruct the country and its economy which resulted in mass starvation and famine. Thousands or people fled to the neighbouring state of Hong Kong, which was a British Colony at the time and many children – often girls – living in overcrowded HongKong orphanages we’re adopted by British families in the sixties. Both Kate and Debbie talk about their remarkable start in life. Link below
By Claire, Kate, Sue & Debbie. Picture by supplied by Serena and Kate
This year’s first face to face UK HKAN reunion in simply forever was at the Foundling Museum in beautiful Bloomsbury. Our Zooming is great, it really is: seeing sisters and brothers across the world, comparing notes, taking in both personal news and touching on global events, Covid comparisons, talks, laughter and learning, all that. But seeing each other and hugging safely for the first time was wonderful.
Kate always comes up with the most magnificent icebreakers and Saturday’s was particularly special. We each had a list of adoptees and had to find each one and ask what she’d started doing and what she’d stopped doing recently. It meant we got up and circulated, and found out things we didn’t know about each other and reminded ourselves how amazingly resourceful we all are. It was significant how many had retired and were embarking on creative and exciting projects. Rock choir. How cool is that? The CHAPS (Companions, Husbands And Partners/Siblings, and of course, photographers) had their own little icebreaker which was similar to ours but with the intriguing question about the word Foundling. A few of us had experienced Covid in our families and some of the new ventures we’d undertaken were because of Lockdown. Some of it was for a good cause and some of us sold produce, crafts and paintings to swell our coffers a little to afford venues and to support projects back in Hong Kong, particularly the Home of Loving Faithfulness for those with special needs. It was founded by Aunty Val and Aunty Wendy who looked after Linda when she was in Shatin. It’s so touching that sales of her delicious produce are supporting those that supported her.
Kate wasn’t the only one getting us to fill out forms. Julia Feast gave us all a survey to complete about whether our attitudes to searching for birth relatives has altered since we participated in the 2013 study, which will support her PhD on the subject, entitled Curiosity and Opportunity. Julia remembers well during the BCAS study how many of us reported at the time that it was not something we gave much thought to partly because searching wasn’t an option as information about our origins did not exist. Some of us were categorically told not to bother even trying to find our families because, with no registered birth name or records, we couldn’t even get off first base. Julia asked us about our reaction to the use of the word Foundling as opposed to Abandoned. An interesting discussion followed. The majority of us on the receiving end of such a concept agreed that we much preferred the former: Foundling -indicating Left to be Found is psychologically a much kinder expression reflecting the feeling that our original families, as far as we knew, had no choice about letting us go and took great care to ensure we were left in a safe place, indeed to be rescued as soon as possible.
Those still facing barriers to finding their adoption records were supported by those of us who had succeeded and we’ll no doubt be calling on our dear friends on the ground in Hong Kong for advice.
Our other guest was Peng Wenlan, an esteemed documentary maker, journalist and writer. She came to propose that we consider applying for financial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund on the basis that our very unusual start in life and the circumstances that brought us to the UK amounted to a unique moment in British History. Off the back of success with campaigning for recognition of the Chinese Labour Corps (the Chinese men shipped over during the First World War to dig and clear the trenches for British Forces and their allies) and an account of the Chinese in Bengal, Wenlan suggested that our legacy for our children could be a documentary about our story. Generally, we felt that we had come a long way since earlier attempts to relate our tale and this could be an opportunity for us to tell it in our own way.
We had our usual knees up in a nearby pub: an opportunity to catch up even more on what was happening with everyone and how we all survived the Lockdown. We could probe further the discoveries during the icebreaker exercise and enjoy each other’s company after such a long break. Never mind that we celebrated our 10thAnniversary Reunion a year on: better late than never!
Go to Our Grants, Previous Grants, Side by Side Fund Grantee Profiles
Julia Feast who took valuable time out of her PhD
Peng Wenlan an esteemed documentary maker, journalist and writer
Kate & Sue for their commitment & energy to make these reunions happen and there endless patience with me (Debbie)
Linda Fawcett who brought a Christmas Cake in for us all to taste
And last of all, for all of those who attended and helped to make this a special occasion as we celebrated a belated 10th Anniversary of this group coming together.
Reunion Feedback
UKHKAN 10th Anniversary Reunion – Foundling Museum – 30 October 2021: Feedback
Thank you so much. Wonderful day and thoroughly enjoyed the Foundling Museum.
Lovely room and enjoyed the museum.
Lovely to see everyone. Yes to a documentary, our stories need to be told and put into history.
Renewed interest in possibly tracing birth mother (I have her name). Passing on info to my children’s generation about my heritage + other adoptees. Adoptees of my children’s generation have similar questions about identity that our group have been seeking.
It was great to reconnect in person after months of isolation + lockdown.
Friendly supporting environment. Lovely ladies!
Great to hear other people’s experiences.
Totally energised by the warmth, enthusiasm + openness of your group.
Love that there are new ideas/initiatives – stimulating, empowering.
I’ve found it a fantastic experience being with everyone again.
Further study for our Hong Kong Group in relation to giving our children an insight to our history.
Great to meet face to face again. Would be interested in participating in a documentary.
Supportive network.
Would benefit the group becoming a charity – help us to connect more.
Really amazing to meet these fantastic adopted women for the first time.
So good to meet in person after lockdown. Especially good to see Julie Feast who I think has always championed for us.
Welcoming warm and friendly. Supportive and informative. Moving.
It was just great to be back physically and see our sisters and new sisters.
Icebreakers are good always but today’s was particularly effective because we were able to get to know each other better.
Today was very informative. It was great to spend today with the group. It’s good to bounce ideas off other people which I found very helpful. Thank you.
This was a reunion with a difference. Chris Toy had volunteered in the previous reunion to demonstrate how to cook a typical Chinese dish. This idea was received with great enthusiasm, an offer we could not refuse.
The meeting was started promptly as those who were cooking along with Chris had their broth on the stove and ingredients prepared and ready to go. A list of ingredients and method had been sent to all the participants in advance, so that we could all purchase all the necessary ingredients and prepare. See below.
Chris started off by telling us that the Chinese Wonton translation is that they are like floating clouds, because they float in the soup. Chris showed us the many kinds of broths one could use if you didn’t want to make your own.
He told us that ginger, garlic, and scallions (spring onions) are the 3 main base ingredients in Chinese cooking, and he showed his expertise in using a meat cleaver. He demonstrated how to smash the garlic and ginger, and how one uses the knuckles to stop the cutting off one’s fingers. Oooch! In making the wonton filling, Chris said that one can add further ingredients such as chillies for those who like it hot. Shrimps can be added to the chopped/minced pork and even soya sauce. (Or for vegans one can substitute with vegetables etc).
Chris used a baseball metaphor to describe how he folded the wonton wrapper around the wonton filling. He placed the wonton wrapper like a baseball diamond – the bottom is Home base and working anticlockwise Base 1, the top being Base 2, and Base 3 on the right. During his demonstration he showed us 3 ways to fold the wrapper – as a triangle, a Bishop’s hat, and the latter, where he turned up the ends like ears and twists. I think the latter is one that would take a little practice.
Those who cooked along with Chris were able to sample their own creations, leaving those that had opted to watch feeling very hungry!
We had time at the end to ask Chris a few questions such as how to best store garlic and ginger.
Serena then did the group screen shot and a 10-minute break was called.
On our return we went into Breakout rooms. The theme for discussion was what food memories were triggered by cookery demo and one person was elected to speak on behalf of each group when we came back.
There was a very short discussion on the practicalities and ideas of a Book Club, which Chris had mentioned at the previous meeting. As time was running out it was put to everyone to give their ideas direct to the committee for next time.
A request was to try and fix up another international reunion before the Christmas break and it was left to be considered.
Debbie thanked both Kate & Sue who arranged the reunion.
A big Thank You to Chris and for everybody who attended.
2 quarts (2 litres) broth * Use prepared chicken or vegetable broth made from bouillon or stock cubes/powder, but you can use your grandmother’s secret recipe!
½ ounce dried sliced mushrooms – fresh can be used as well.
20 wonton wrappers * Remove the wonton wrappers from the fridge ten minutes before you intend to use them, to allow them to warm up.
(Seal and freeze unused wrappers or make extra wontons and freeze them for later!)
¼ lb. ground pork or favorite ground/chopped protein meat/seafood/vegan
1 clove fresh garlic crushed and minced (1 teaspoon of paste garlic is fine)
1 teaspoon fresh ginger crushed and minced (paste ginger is fine)
1 cup sliced bok choy/Pak choi or napa cabbage
2 scallions (spring onions) or chives minced (finely chopped)
¼ cup of water in a shallow cup or bowl – for sealing wontons
Note: For the cooking class have the broth ready and simmering in a large pan.
1. Place dried sliced mushrooms in simmering broth.
2. Make wonton filling by combining ground pork crushed garlic, and crushed ginger in a bowl.
3. Place a wonton wrapper so it looks like a baseball diamond with you sitting behind home plate.
4. Wet around the baselines with the water.
5. Place a teaspoon of the filling in the center, where the pitcher’s mound would be.
6. Bring home plate up to second base, folding the wrapper into a triangle, enclosing the filling, and seal the edges.
7. Bring the simmering broth to a rolling boil and drop the wontons in one at a time and cook for 1 minute.
8. Add and stir in the bok choy for 1 minute.
9. Squeeze the minced scallions and stir them into the soup.
10. Serve immediately
There are many different skills among HKAN members. Chris has
demonstrated his cookery skills but what talent do you have that
you’d like to share? Even if you don’t want to do a practical demo,
you could talk about your hobby or interest, maybe accompanied
by some photographs. You can take anything from 4 to 40 minutes.
You name it – we want to hear about it
Chris Toy Demonstration Video
This is a big file so please be patient for it to download no more than about 10 mins